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Arteries and veins have two different mechanism for maintaining circulation. Arteries are highly pressurized from the heart's ventricular contractions. Veins however are slower moving relying on the skeletal-muscle movement to help it along. Veins also have valves to control and keep flow in one direction.

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12y ago

the heart pumps blood throughout the body


Every time your heart pumps, it pushes a little more blood out. This blood pushes all the other blood along. You're hearts very strong so the blood moves quite a bit, also depending on the amount of blood it pumps out. Then other blood returns to the heart, goes through it, back into the lungs to be oxygeniated - or however you put it - and then back into the body.

Hope this helps(:

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13y ago

the heart pumps blood through out the body through veins and arteries

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10y ago

it doesnt. because you blood never moves. that is why we can move as humans. As long as our blood stays frozen to the spot, we will be able to move. its a contradicting force. Your welcome.

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Q: How does blood flow in blood vessels and veins?
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Veins have valves to make sure that blood flows in only one direction.

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Blood vessels contract slightly to help the flow of blood As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels, called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the body.

Is it true that with veins that the blood flows from small vessels into even smaller ones?

No. Veins are the portion of the circulatory system that is responsible for returning blood from the body to the heart. Thus blood flow in veins starts at the smallest capillary vessel and moves to larger vessels.

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Veins. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from tissues and organs back to the heart; they have thin walls and one-way valves.

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Only veins contain valves. The valves prevent the backward flow of blood.

What does circulatory system control?

The blood flow distributed through you heart, veins, vessels, and arteries.