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ggogle it kid cause I can't tell you

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Q: Which process takes part in cycling carbon in living plants?
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Which process takes parts in cycling carbon in living plants?


Why is carbon the most critical to living things?

Carbon helps in the process of photosynthesis.Without plants,there is no life on earth.

Why are the process of photosynthesis called an air purifying process?

The process of photosynthesis is called air purifing process as during this process plants take in carbon dioxide released from living body and gives out oxygen needed for the living organisms

Carbon recycles from living plants and animals back into the nonliving environment in a process called?

I don't know look for it

What is the process called in which plants take carbon in unusable forms and convert it into forms that are usable by living organisms including the plants themselves?

Long question, short answer: photosynthesis. This process forms the organic molecules that are used by the rest of the living organisms.

During what process do plants and other organisms take in carbon dioxide?

Green plants take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and give out oxygen. While respiration, all living organisms take in oxygen and carbon dioxide and then give out carbon dioxide.

What gas given off by plants to the during photosynthetic process is needed by living things?

during photosynthesis plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen

How do living things store carbon?

Carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, is converted by plants into sugars and starches during photosynthesis. The plants convert this into proteins etc.Animals then eat the plants....when they breath they get carbon dioxideand you get it when you eat a plant

How are plants a carbon recycler?

Plants, through the process of photosynyhesis, remove carbon from the atomosphere, such as the carbon you just exhaled in the form of carbon dioxide.

What do plants make from carbon?

yes. plants make carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis.

What is a chemical process that uses light to produce carbon dioxide and plants?

Photosynthesis is the chemical process that uses light to process carbon dioxide in plants.

How does carbon move from plants and animals into the soil?

It is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis and animas eat plants which already have carbon.