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Jello or bone marro

cytoplasm the jellylike sunstance that fills most of the cell is cytoplasm most other cell parts float within the cytoplasm a human has regular blood and no cytoplasm unlike humans cytoplasm is from plants only

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sperm fluid or some amniotic sac fluid

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Q: What could you compare a cytoplasm in a cell to in the human body?
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What is cytoplasm compare to in the body system?

circulatory system

What part of the human body is like the cytoplasm?

I would suppose that the organs are equal to organelles, and the cytoplasm to blood vessels, because materials travel within the Endoplasmic Reticulim, but through the eyes of a layman, it would be the equivalent of the cytoplasm. In conclusion, the cytoplasm is like the blood vessels inside of the human body.

In each human body cell there are?

a nucleus, a cytoplasm and a cellwall.

What part of the human body does the cytoplasm represent?

i don't really think it is part of human cells cytoplasm is part of animal and plant cell[or only plant cell] i think it is

Analogies for cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is like those fruit jello cups. The jello is the cytoplasm, and the fruit is everything inside the cell that the cytoplasm holds the cell in it's place. Other analogies are: It is like glue since it holds everything together. I would more compare it to not only holds everything together but that is like the texture too! Air. If you imagined that people were the organelles, and that the world was a big BIG cell. The air could be the cytoplasm.

What everyday items are like cytoplasm?

A human body

What are the Disadvantages of cyclotron over human body?

The cyclotron bears no resemblance to the human body; there is no reason to compare the two.

What does a cytoplasm do in the human body?

the cytoplasm plays a mechanical role to main tain the shape, the consistency of the cell to provide suspension to the organells. -Jana Praileau

If you were to compare the cell wall to a part of the human body what will that be?

The skin

How do you compare the body axis of a four-legged animal to the body axis of a human?


Does cytoplasm have a Golgi body?

Is a golgi body cytoplasm matter

Example of something similar to cytoplasmic streaming in the human body?

Cytoplasmic streaming is when cytoplasm flows in eukaryotic cells. Myoblasts are a part of the human body where cytoplasmic streaming is noticeable.