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The hierarchical model is a restricted type of network model. Again, data is represented as

collections of records and relationships are represented by sets. However, the hierarchical

model allows a node to have only one parent. A hierarchical model can be represented

as a tree graph, with records appearing as nodes (also called segments) and sets as edges.

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Q: How is data organized in hierarchical data model?
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Difference between network model and hierarchical model and relational model?

The relational model is a model in which data is isolated by object and foreign keys to those objects which is organized in tables with multiple columns or attributes. The hierarchical model is a model in which the data is organized in a tree structure that allows repeating information using parent/child relationships.

What are the benefits of a hierarchical data model and network data model?

In network model of database , all data is related to each other through a link. By a link we mean that it is an association between precisely two records/data . In hierarchical model records are organized as trees rather than arbitrary graphs.

What are hierarchical databases and give me some examples?

A hierarchical database model is a data model in which the data is organized into a tree-like structure. The structure allows representing information using parent/child relationships: each parent can have many children, but each child has only one parent.

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two main early navigational data models were the hierarchical model and the CODASYL model (network model)

2 Explain why navigation is simple in Relational Data Model than in Hierarchical?

Explain why nevigation is simple relational data model than in hirarchical model

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hierarchical data model and network data model?

Hierarchical data model :Advantages- simplicity- data security- data integrity- efficiency- ease to add and delete recordDisadvantages- implement complexity- database management problem- lack of structural independence- programming complexity- implementation limitation- procedural access languageNetwork data model :Advantages- easy to access data- can handle more relationship types- data independence- data integrity- data independenceDisadvantages- system complexity- lack of structural independence- procedural access language

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Why is navigation simpler in a relational data model than in a hierarchical data model?

Actually, Hierarchical model have some disadvantages.1. If we are at leaf(last table in hierarchy) then we cannot go directly to the another leaf.2. If we want to go to that another leaf then we have to follow a long path(means we have to access again the intermediate tables).Due to above disadvantages in Hierarchical model, the navigation in simple in Relational model. Because we can go directly to the another table without accessing the intermediate tables.

Advantage of relational model over hierarchical model?

Use of primary keys less data redundancy compatible with inconsistencies associated with database anomalies

In what order is data organised in a DBMS?

Data in a DBMS (Database Management System) is typically organized in a hierarchical manner. The highest level is the database, which is divided into tables. Within each table, data is stored in rows, with each row representing a record. And within each row, data is further organized into columns, with each column representing a specific attribute or field of the record. This hierarchical structure allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data.

What is a good way to represent a database?

Relational model of database is a good way to represent the database. Also network data model and hierarchical model can be used depending on the requirements.