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Drama is unique in that it is meant to be performed on a stage, with live actors embodying the characters and bringing the text to life through dialogue, gestures, and actions. Unlike other forms of literature that are primarily meant to be read, drama is designed for a live audience to experience in real time, creating a dynamic and immediate connection between the performers and the viewers.

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12y ago

drama is collaborative in nature where it requires actors, stage, audience, play write etc. more over drama is written in dialogue with act and scene. whereas other literature genre like poem and novel. poem is popularly written in stanza with rhyme scheme. but novels they are written in chapter.

you may find little similarities between them i,e it is based on fiction or nonfiction. you should also keep in mind that they are not same.

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13y ago

drama is meant to be performed for an audience

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12y ago

drama is meant to be preformed for an audience

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13y ago

The plot contains things that make you aticipatory, tense, have strong feelings , or make you really think.

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12y ago

The main difference is the format , the drama is written in form of dialogues or it can be said as the screen play.

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