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Fungus is helpful because you can eat some of it like mushrooms.

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14y ago

Fungus can culture many foods like yogurt and cheese making them tastey and healthy for people to eat.

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Q: How can fungus be good for people?
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Is carnation fungus plant or not?

Carnation flowers are not a fungus. They can get a fungus but that is not a good thing.

Can honey fungus be transmitted from one garden to another?

Yes, honey fungus can be transmitted from one garden to another. This isn't always a good thing, as some people may not want it.

What is an organism that absorbs food from the surface it lives on?

fungus hey people this answer is the perfect answer for the progam a+

Can you get in a pool with fungus?

Sure. Whether it's a good idea or not is a different question. If the pool has fungus, getting in it will expose you to the fungus, which might be bad. If you have the fungus (the question isn't clear which is the case), then getting in it will indirectly expose the other people in the pool to the fungus, which also might be bad.

Exsample sentence for the word fungus?

Mushrooms are a kind of fungus that people like to eat.

Can ebson salt help toe nail fungus?

Epsom salt soaks are a natural alternative for toenail fungus treatment. It will take persistence, but people have reported good results. It is an easy and inexpensive toenail fungus treatment method. For more details and soak directions:

What treatments are available for those who are infected with the fungus aspergillus fumigaus?

The fungus aspergillus fumigatus is a fungal infection that effects people who are allergic to this fungus. The fungus aspergillus fumigatus can be treated with common medicines for fungus remedies.

Where does the fungus that grows on old bread come from?

fungus comes from the air wich proforms it to spread but is good for you

What are the good things of fungi?

fungus is mushrooms!

How can you get rid of the black fungus on the belly of your westie?

a good anti fungal shampoo often clears the fungus from the skin

What eats catepillars?

They eat people and fungus They eat people and fungus

Is fungus that grows on goldfish good?

That is a disease cure it