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The spleen is responsible for breaking down red blood cells. The hemoglobin is then recycled by the liver.

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Q: How is hemoglobin recycled in the body?
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How is hem used in the human body?

Hem from hemoglobin is recycled for production of hemoglobin.

How does the body recycle hemoglobin?

actually it's not recycled but the haemoglobin will die after 120 days. haemoglobin are produced from bone marrow

What is the source of The waste product bilirubin?

Bilirubin comes from recycled hemoglobin

What part of the hemoglobin molecule is recycled to form bile?

A portion of the heme group

Most of the iron that is removed from degraded hemoglobin is excreted by what?

recycled to the red bone marrow.

Where from hemoglobin formed in human body?

Hemoglobin is produced in bone marrow by erythrocytes and is circulated with them until their destruction. It is then broken down in the spleen, and some of its components, such as iron, are recycled to the bone marrow. Other components, such as the heme groups, are broken down into bilirubin, transported to the liver, and secreted with the bile into the intestine for eventual elimination from the body.

What does hemoglobin do in your body?

Hemoglobin is part of your red blood cells. It is a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body.

Which body system carries hemoglobin?

Cardiovascular specifically carries hemoglobin in RBC

What is the fucntion of circulatory system?

To circulate hemoglobin to all the organs of the body. This hemoglobin contains oxygen which is essential for the working of the body

Are proteins long term?

No; proteins must be recycled every once in a while. For example, hemoglobin has a lifetime of 120 days.

Can car body metal be recycled?

not only can it it be recycled, it originally most likely was made from recycled metal. almost all metal in general is recycled.

Is hemoglobin considered a phospholipid?

Actiually, hemoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen throughout your body.