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Q: How is it for bacteria better to reproduce asexually then sexually?
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If an environment remains stable would it be better for an organism to reproduce sexually or asexually?


A plant which could reproduce either sexually or asexually would reproduce sexually when well suited to the environment?

False. If it's well suited, then it has no reason to change its genotype to better suit itself. It'll clone itself.

Bacteria are organisms that reproduce asexually how is this better for them than reproducing sexually?

bacteria are organisms that face changes all the time. if the change wipes out all the bacteria and leaves only one, sexual reproduction is a bad survival technique even if it mutates. They can grow to larger Populations more quickly. Apex- T.F.

How is it better for the survival of the species for the Protozoa to produce asexually instead of sexually?

The main advantage of asexual reproduction is that you don't need to find a mate. If sexual species cannot find a mate, they cannot reproduce and their genes die with them. Asexual species can reproduce whenever they have food, however. No mate is required.

How is it better for the survival of the species for the protozoa to reproduce asexually instead of sexually?

Advantages of Asexual reproduction are as follows:This type of reproduction enable organisms to reproduce without a mate.It does not require the time and energy that takes to search a mate.It results in the reproduction of large number of offspring rapidly.Like in plants, it enables to spread and colonize an area in short period of time.Animals that are confined to one particular place and unable to look for a mate reproduce asexually.Stable environments with very little change are favorable for organisms to reproduce asexually.

Why is it better to reproduce sexually?

It is better because then you get diversity. DNA is passed down in any reproduction, but while asexual reproduction is basically cloning from one parent, as in bacteria, sexual reproduction passes down DNA from two parents, each with their own unique DNA, which leads to diversity.

Why is yogurt incubated?

The production of yoghurt requires certain bacteria: these bacteria live and reproduce better at warm conditions. It's as simple as that!

Why does bacteria grow better in heat?

they grow better in warm areas less than 140 degrees but more than 40 degrees. It is also that the heat causes the germ cells to multiply, causing more germ's. When people refer to bacteria growth it is actually about the amount of bacterium in a colony rather than the actual size of an individual bacterium increasing. Bacterium reproduce asexually through binary fission. This is when they basically just make a copy of their chromosome and then split. They reproduce sexually through conjunction. This is when they attach to one another using their pili, which are short hairlike structures on the outside of the cell. Heat causes this to happen more rapidly, causing more bacteria.Read more: How_does_bacteria_grow

Is sexual or asexual better?

Asexual reproduction is favourable if horizontal gene transfer can make up for the lack of diversity within species. Horizontal gene transfer is when two mature organisms can switch or share different genes. (Many bacteria and archea can do this) Horizontal gene transfer is quite difficult for multi-cellular organisms, so sexual reproduction is preferable. The goal of reproduction is to create offspring that will survive in changing environment - so there must be a mechanism to create many different kinds of offspring. Sexual reproduction affords this. However - the optimal form of reproduction is to have the choice to reproduce either asexually and sexually. If there is a disaster (for humans) or a new antibiotic (for bacteria) it may be preferable to reproduce asexually for a while if no other similar species are around. Later, when the population is big enough, sexual reproduction can begin to recover genetic diversity. (I am assuming that clones don't reproduce with themselves the whole time). This may be the new and improved 'bisexual' of the future.

Why do germs grow better in heat?

When people refer to bacteria growth it is actually about the amount of bacterium in a colony rather than the actual size of an individual bacterium increasing. Bacterium reproduce asexually through binary fission. This is when they basically just make a copy of their chromosome and then split. They reproduce sexually through conjunction. This is when they attach to one another using their pili, which are short hairlike structures on the outside of the cell. Through the pili they transfer a copy of a portion of their DNA. They then take on traits of the other cell. This helps to explain how bacterium can pass on drug resistance to one another.Bacteria is every were and you can get sick if you don't dust daily.Read more: How_does_bacteria_grow

What is the advantages of sexual reproductive?

You can transmit new genetic improvements to your offspring. For example, if there is a sudden famine, a species that produces sexually instead of asexually will be better able to have future generations adapt faster.

Why is it beneficial for organisms to produce sexually and asexually?

Sexual reproduction allows for genetic diversity. This may be helpful to allow an organism to better adapt to its environment. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parent. This may be helpful in that the offspring are born already adapted to the environment. If there is suddenly a shortage of one sex for a species (ex. 90% of males are wiped out due to illness), to prevent the species from dying out, it would be handy if the organism could reproduce without a mate.