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The architecture (framework) is strong and it was skilfully built.

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Q: What makes The Great Wall of China stable despite the forces that act upon it?
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What makes the Great Wall of China stable?


Who were the labor forces who built the great wall of China?


What is the condition of the Great Wall of China?

The Tower Is in a nice stable condition and will never break!!

How did Qin Shihuandgi make China's society more stable?

by building the great wall of china,stronger government,and one type of money.

What forces does the Great Wall of China have to withstand?

Wind, rain, and time are just some of the "outside forces" that have an affect on the Great Wall of China.

Who burned books and forces peasants to work on the great walls of China?

emporer qin shin Huang

Why they build The Great Wall of China?

they build the great wall of china because the half of the country tried to destroy china so they had to build a big wall so they won't destroy China. so they named it the great wall of china.

How was the great wall of china defended from attacking forces?

people flung slushies from the top and brain-freezed their enemies to death

Did Atilla the Hun ever climb over The Great Wall of China?

No, he used brute force. The wrath of his Mongol hordes, along with the allied forces of the Western Romans, terrorized the Great Wall of China (made by a man named Hsia Sao).

What was China's main success in the Korean war?

The Red Chinese pushed the US/UN forces back into South Korea (the great retreat).

When was the Great Wall of China taken down?

some pieces may have been damaged either deliberately or by the forces of nature but the great wall of China was not knocked down.

Where is the the Great Wall of China located?
