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Light energy can exist independently of matter.


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Sean Gaynor

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3y ago

Light energy can exist independently of matter.

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Q: How is light energy different from both sound and heat energy?
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In what ways are sound and light alike?

They are both energy and they are both waveforms.

How light energy like sound energy?

light energy is like sound energy because they both can locate any item in front of them and they both can reflect or absorbed by certain objects or t can pass through objects.

What are both sound energy and light energy transmitted as?

Sound energy is the energy produced by the vibration off objects. while light energy is a energy that travels in all directions of electromagnetic waves.

Which is strongest light energy or sound energy?

Both can be made strong, or not so strong.

How are sound energy and light energy similar?

they both have a wavelength and frequency *study island*

How are light energy and sound energy alike and different?

They can both be analyzed as waves, but light is also a particle phenomenon. Sound must have a medium through which to travel; no medium, no sound. Light needs no medium through which to travel. Our experience of both sound and light can change by what is called the Doppler Effect; the frequency of the waves depends on the movement of the source relative to the observer. However, the waves of light themselves are always moving at c (in a vacuum) regardless of the movement of the source relative to the observer. Sound waves, on the other hand, do change speed depending on the relative movements of the source and observer. If the observer is moving through the air at a given velocity, some fraction of that velocity might be added to or subracted from the velocity of the observed sound.

How do different kinds of materials affect the behavior of light?

Sound and light are both forms of energy that is carried from one place to another.they travel in all directions from the source.

How is light and sound alike?

Sound and light are alike when light is considered a wave. Light may also be considered a stream of particles, but in the times that it is considered a wave it obeys the same mathematical laws that sound does.

What is carried by both sound waves and light waves?

Energy. Also, information.

What is the energy form of exploding fireworks?

Sound energy, light energy are forms of exploding fireworks. Both are released during explosion.

How. Are sound energy and light energy similar?

they both have a wavelength and frequency *study island*

What is similar between the sound wave and the light wave?

Both are ways to transport energy from point a, to point b. Both sound and light waves have a speed, wavelength and frequency. Both can be diffracted, reflected and refracted, as those are properties of waves.