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Q: How is lupus diagnosed is it done with a skin urine and blood test?
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How is pheochromocytoma diagnosed?

If a pheochromocytoma is suspected, urine and/or a blood test are usually recommended. A test called "24-hour urinary catacholamines and metanephrines" will be done.

Is there a blood test done to check for lupus?

lupus is a complicated disease that can most defiantly effect everybody. you cant get rid of lupus with medication so you have to really avoid this. you have to ask you doctor to test for lupus.

What kind of blood tests should be done in numbness and tingling?

The blood tests that should be done for numbness and tingling includes a white blood cell count and red blood cell count. Checking for Lupus us another option.

Is systemic lupus erythematosis life threatening?

Lupus can be life threatening at times, thus it is important to be under the care of a rhuematologist and get regular blood work done. The most common reason lupus is life threatening is when lupus affects the kidneys.

What is normal investigation done for urine?

Urine is tested for the following in a laboratory: Sugar, blood, protein, white blood cells, and bacteria. The presence of these in your urine is usually the symptom of a problem. Also the urine PH balance (acidity) is tested.

What do blood and urine tests indicate at the onset of an attack of periodic paralysis?

Blood and urine tests done at the onset of an attack show whether there are elevated or depressed levels of potassium.

Heroin is in my urine how do i get it out within 24 hours?

Other than a full blood transfusion, it can't be done.

What is a uric acid test?

tests that are done to measure the levels of uric acid in blood serum or in urine.

How is ldl cholesterol diagnosed?

Hypercholesterolemia is diagnosed by using a blood test. A blood specimen is obtained after the patient does not eat or drink anything (except water) for 12 hours. The fasting is done to measure the LDL and HDL cholesterol.

What is an ANA blood test?

ANA or Antinuclear Antibody is a test that helps detect autoimmune disorders in the body. This is usually done to diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE.

How is anaphylaxis diagnosed?

Anaphylaxis is diagnosed based on the rapid development of symptoms in response to a suspect allergen. Identification of the culprit may be done with RAST testing, a blood test that identifies IgE reactions to specific allergens.

What are the differences between the urinalysis and dialysis?

Urinalysis is a test done on a sample of urine to detect absence or presence of chemicals and blood in the urine. Dialysis is a treatment done in a special facility (sometimes connected to a hospital) that cleanses/purifies the blood of harmful impurities when the kidneys are not performing properly. This is a function normally performed by the kidneys.