

What was the cause of the plague?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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14y ago

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Good question. Strangely, most people assume it was mice or rats that were the cause. The truth is - FLEAS!! At first, the rats and mice were blamed. However, it was later discovered that the rats and mice had fleas. The fleas carried the disease, and transferred it to the vistims they bit. Carried to human populations by rats and mice, the fleas then bit humans who were next in line for infection and ultimately death.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Black Plague or Bubonic Plague started in Europe around 1347. It was a terrible disease that was carried out with black rats and fleas. This terrible disease was affected the Medieval society. It was a terrible because so many peasants died and that nobody was left to farm the land and do the daily work.

The Plague (or called "Black Death") was an epidemic that struck Europe. People from China and Mongolia came with infected fleas carried by rats going aboard ships and that were transported to Italy, Greece and France; when the ships docked, the rats left the ships entering cities bringing the fleas and disease with them. In 1348 the virus, known as the Yersinia pestisbacterium and until 1351 the bacterium had killed 1/3 of Europe. Leaving fewer farmers and other people that held jobs that were important to the economy. The Europeans blamed the Jews for the plague by poisoning the water but it really was caused by flea bites. Other break outs occurred between 1451-1721.

Plague is still around today in small numbers and is treated with antibiotics.

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15y ago

Plauge is spread many ways, depending on which strain it is. Pneumonic Plauge, which infects the lungs, is spread through the air. Boubonic Plauge, the more famous of the two, is spread through direct contact.

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14y ago

It is widely thought that it was cause by a parasite carried by rodents. in that time period the sanitary situation wasn't the best so it was able to spread so much

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12y ago

The black death was caused by fleas containing a parsite. These fleas lived on rats and due to poor hygiene conditions there were alot of rats around. This made it spread a lot quicker.

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14y ago

The actual cause of the black plague was caused by the Crusades witch opened trade routes and brought over the plague. Then, it spread killing nearly 2/3 of Europe's population.

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The church thought that it was the Jews fault that the plague happend. But really it was infuenza carried by rats and flees.

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The bacteria that is believed to be the main cause of Black Death (bubonic plague, pneumonic plague and septicemic) is yersinia pestis.

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No. Where did you get that from some picture? If it was that skeleton represented death or the plague. They had no idea what the cause was.

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