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mix a solute and solvent together and it will make a solution Increase the surface area of the solute with a mortar and pestle. Next measure out the mass of the solute. Add water and increase the temperature and use a magnetic stirrer. Do not fill to the necesary volume. Do not use a graduated cylinder instead use a volumetric flask. Pour solution into the flask. First measure the mass of the flask. rinse the beaker in which the solution was in. add more water to flask and fill to the needed volume. Then find the mass of solution.

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10y ago

Complexometric titration is a type of

titration based on complex formation

between the analyte and titrant.

• Complexometric titrations are particularly

useful for determination of a mixture of

different metal ions in solution. An

indicator with a marked color change is

usually used to detect the end-point of the


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Q: How will you make standard solution?
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What is a standard solution?

Standard Solution is a solution that the concentration of which is accurately known

How to make a standard solution?

A known quantity of a substance is dissolved in solution for a standard solution. This is expressed as units of mole per liter, moles per cubic centimeter, or in terms of that particular titration.

What is a non standard solution please answer definition?

is that solution that is just unlike standard solution .so if any solution dont have the standard property which is called the non standard solution the property of the standard solution is:-1.high purity is stable toward the air 3.available it means that in the lost cost.........

A solution of approximate concentration is _ solution?

Standard solution

Is it possible to prepare a standard NaOH solution by dissolving an accurate amount of NaOH pellets in a known volume of water?

you can't make a primay standard solution with NaOh is said to be a secondary standard you have to establish the normality using some primary standard acids.

How do you make standard Mn solution?

Dissolve a known amount of potassium permanganate in a known volume of demineralized water; calculate the concentration of manganese in the solution.

Difference between primary standard solution and a secondary standard solution in acid-base titration?

primary standard solution is prepared by direct measurements of the mass of solute and the volume of solution.whereas, a secondary standard solution is a solution whose concentration can't be determined directly from weight of solute and volume of solution, the concentration must be determined by analysis of the solution itself.

What is a solution of known concentration called?

Standard solution

When you calculate the mass of borax needed to make up the standard solution do you include 10H2O?

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What is a secondary solution?

A solution that has been titrated against a primary standard solution.

Why are standard solutions used?

A solution is a homogenous mixture of two or more substances. while A solution whose concentration is known is called a standard solution.

How to prepare a standard solution of potassium iodate?

it is primary standard........ but before making solution dry it at 120. C