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In this case, we'll have to talk about the equator.

Temperature gets warmer the closer you go to equator. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude. We're not talking about degrees in temperature, we are talking about GPS degrees.

Most of the time, the smaller the # of the latitude, the warmer it may get. Since the equator always gets sunlight all year round, the closer you get to it, the warmer it'll get.

In the Northern Hemisphere, you have to go south to get to the equator.

In the Southern Hemisphere, you have to go north the get to the equator.

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15y ago

areas near the equator are warmer than areas far from the equator, sun rays hit the earths surface almost directly at the equator :)

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How are latitude and climate related?

latitude is one of the four factors that affect climate. lines of latitude may be farther or closer to the equator, which determines the climate. for example, if the lines of latitude are farther from the equator, the climate will be colder than if the latitude is closer to the equator.

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Latitude does influence temperature. The higher your latitude is, the cooler your climate. The inhabitants of our planet nearer to the equator feel more of the blazing sun than those in North and South Poles.

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Temperature depends on latitude because when you are closer to the equator it's hotter, but when're closer to the arctic circles it will be colder.

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Circles of latitude are also know as parallels.

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Fifteen degrees celcius is a temperature not a latitude. Latitude is shown in degrees north or degrees south

Is latitude and longitude connected to climate?

Latitude is definitely conected with temperature and as a result climate. Longitude as such is not.

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The oceans surface water temperature varies with the amount of solar radiation received, which is primarily a function of latitude.