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Public education in France is of higher standards than in the US, according to the results of the PISA study.

French society is practically socialist whereas the US is very Capitalist. That counts for social differences too but it applies strongly to the intellectual.

Social differences:

France has universal healthcare, the US has privatised health care.

The US full time work week is 40 hrs, in France it is 36 hrs.

Standard vacation time in the US is 2 weeks per year, in France it is 5 weeks per year mandatory.

Higher education is free in France, in the US it is paid for privately by each student.

Life expectancy in France is 78.8 years, in the US it is 77.1 years.

France is roughly twice the size of the state of Colorado, anyone who has driven across even a tiny portion of the US knows just how huge the country is. In my opinion the size of a country affects the psyche of its citizens in many ways. In the US, we make everything bigger. We drive bigger cars, we build bigger homes, our roads are bigger etc... In France people make much more careful choices about how they use the space they have, its simply a matter of necessity. The effect on society are primarily a much more advanced mass transit system in France than what we have in the US and the mentality that goes along with the social closeness, as opposed to the individualism of the US

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they don't go by those rules

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Q: What are the differences between French and US government?
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