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Neon is a non meta element. Atomic Mass of it is 20. Atomic number of it is 10.

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Q: How is the atomic mass calculated for neon?
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What is the atomic mass number of neon?

atomic mass of neon is 20.18

What is the atomic mass for neon's?

Neon is a non metal element. Atomic mass of it is 20.

How may neutrons does neon have?

Number of neutrons = Atomic mass - Atomic number Atomic number of neon: 10 Atomic mass: depending on the neon isotope, each isotope has a different mass

What is the atomic mass unite of neon?

Neon is a non meta element. Atomic mass of it is 20.

What is the atomic number and atomic mass of neon?

The atomic number of neon is 10. The atomic weight (not mass) of neon is 20,1797(6).

What is the atomic mas of neon?

The atomic mass of neon is 20.1797 amu

What are the atomic numbers and atomic mass of neon?

Neon is a non meta element. Atomic mass of it is 20 Atomic number of it is1 180.

How heavy is the element Neon?

The atomic weight of neon is 20.180 amu, or atomic mass units.

How much mass is in neon?

The atomic weight of Neon is 20.18

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What is neon' s atomic mas?

20.1797 is its atomic mass

What is the atomic mass of neno?

Neon is a non metal element. Atomic mass of it is 20.