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Osteocytes repair cracks in bones, and help bones grow. They repair the cracks by releasing new proteins on them called calcium. Osteocytes are like the maintainence for bones. Without them you would crumple or stay the same size you were when you were born. They are very helpful!

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14y ago
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14y ago

An osteocyte, a star-shaped cell, is the most abundant[citation needed] cell found in compact bone. Cells contain a nucleus and a thin ring of cytoplasm. When osteoblasts become trapped in the matrix they secrete, they become osteocytes. Osteocytes are networked to each other via long cytoplasmic extensions that occupy tiny canals called canaliculi, which are used for exchange of nutrients and waste. The space that an osteocyte occupies is called a lacuna (Latin for a pit). Although osteocytes have reduced synthetic activity and, like osteoblasts are not capable of mitotic division, they are actively involved in the routine turnover of bony matrix, through various mechanosensory mechanisms. They destroy bone through a rapid, transient (relative to osteoclasts) mechanism called osteocytic osteolysis. Osteoblasts/osteocytes develop in mesenchyme. Hydroxyapatite, calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate is deposited around the cell.

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15y ago

Osteocytes are responsible for the maintenance and turnover of mineral content of surrounding bone. They are found in the flattened lacunae of bone tissue. (Textbook Source: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Martini and Nath, Pearson International Edition. Copyright 2009)

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11y ago

They are mature bone cells that respond to stresses placed on bone and remodel the bone in response to those stressors. Osteocytes deposit or reabsorb bone matrix, regulating bone density, and control calcium and phosphate balance.

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8y ago

Osteocytes are bone cells. There are two types, one that build bone called osteoclasts and ones that break down bone are called osteoblasts. Usually they break and build bone in such a way that the bones remain intact. If the osteoblast break down too much bone, then osteoporosis occurs.

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13y ago

They maintain bone because they are mature bone cells.

Canalicui is the site of osteocytes.

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13y ago

Osteocytes are the actual bones.

The osteoclasts produce enzymes that break down the bone cells for the calcium and other salts.

Osteoblasts build bone.

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6y ago

Osteocytes are bone cells.

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12y ago

i dont know cos i dont know

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11y ago

bone cells

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Q: What role do osteocytes have bone tissue?
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What are the cells of bone tissue called?


What kind of tissue bone?

Bone cells are called osteocytes, and the matrix of the bone is made of calcium salts and collagen. Bone tissue is the major structural and supportive connective tissue of the body.

What are the cells of the bone?

They're called OSTEOCYTES calcifying together in a matrix tissue of bone matter.

What kind of tissue has Cells that are arranged around an osteonic canal?

Bone Tissue made up of Osteocytes.

What cells responsible for maintaining the daily cellular activities of bone tissue?

Osteoclasts which dissolve old bone cells, Osteoblasts which create new bone cells, and Osteocytes mature bone cells that were once osteoblasts which regulate bone development.

What is the basic unit of bone tissue?

Bone tissue is classified into compact bone and spongy bone. The compact bone basic unit is the osteon, or Haversian System. There are no osteons in spongy bone, but it is composed of lamellae, osteocytes, lacunae and canaliculi.

How does an osteocyte form?

Osteocytes are derived from osteoblasts, which are bone-forming cells. In general, osteocytes make up the majority of the mass of adultbone tissue in humans. Each osteocyte within the bone tissue is typically connected to others, which work together to help create a strong matrix of living bone.

What kind of tissue is inside the bone?

The part of bone you are asking about is called compact bone, or cortical bone.

What Bone cells maintain the mineral content of bone?

These are osteocytes; they are responsible for maintaining the extracellular matrix that forms the bone.

What tissue cells are separated and bound together by a nonliving intercellular that the cell secretes?

Bone cells, "osteocytes".

What cell that forms osseous tissue?

Three different types of cells are found in bones: osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Good luck!!

Cells that produce bone tissue are called?

Cells that form bones are called osteoblasts.