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the shape of amylase allows it to have the right shape of active site that it will combine with starch and break it down into disaccharides and monosaccharides which will provides us glucose for body to function

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Q: How is the shape of amylase related to its function?
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when an amylase gets too hot the amylase begins to break down the amylase and the reaction slows down dramatically to where it cannot function properly anymore

Does amylase have proteins?

Amylase is an enzyme which is chemically proteins. The function is to catalyses the conversion of starch in to sugars. There are different kind of amylases such as alpha-, beta amylase exist.

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How would you test to see if catalase could catalyze starch?

Amylase is an enzyme and, like most enzymes, it will denature when exposed to high temperatures. Denature means to lose its shape and an enzyme such as amylase is dependent on its shape to perform its function.

Is salivary amylase able to digest cellulose?

Salivary amylase is not able to digest cellulose. Amylase has the ability to digest starch but cellulose is a fibre which in indigestible.

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