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Wind energy turns a windmill (turbine) that turns a magnet that creates electrical energy in a wire. This is Faraday's Generator Law: 0 = dBv/dt + Delx Ev. The windmill creates dBv/dt the change of magnetic field.

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Q: How is wind energy converted into useable energy?
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Is a windmill a type of wind energy?

No, it is a device to convert the energy in the wind into useable energy for humans. Wind is the energy source.

How does wind create energy?

the wind rotate the wings of the wind mill this is kinetic energy this energy converted as mechanical energy this converted as electrical energy in generator thus produces power

Were is wind energy stored and converted into usable energy?

The wind energy cannot be stored.

Which type of energy is converted into electrical energy by a wind turbine?

Kinetic energy of wind

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Some of the sun's energy is converted into wind and water waves. Most of the sun's energy are absorbed by the primary producers.

How wind power is converted into energy?

wind power is kinetic energy. wind power is transfered into elctricity energy ect.

How is wind power converted into kinetic energy?

wind power is kinetic energy. wind power is transfered into elctricity energy ect.

What is the main source of energy used when you eat?

The carbohydrates are the main source of energy from the food you eat, becausethey are most easily converted to useable energy. Fats are the second energy source used.Proteins are the third and most difficult source to be converted to energy.

How is natural gas converted to useable energy?

This thing can't answer that question because it is too stupid and doesnt have anything real.

How is wind used to create energy?

Wind energy act as mechanical energy.then mechanical energy converted to electrical energy throw generator

What energy is converted to sound energy in the wind?

Kinetic energy. Since wind has speed,the formular 0.5mv^2 shows that it has kinetic energy.

Can wind energy be converted into other kinds of energy what kind?

into air conditioning