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Benzoylecgonine can be detected in the urine of someone who does a gram of cocaine up to as much as 10 days. Be aware. There are no ways to get benzoylecgonine out of your system fast, or cut corners. Water dosnt work, masking will get you in trouble. Time is the only factor, the end. Straight up...listen.

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14y ago

In general, benzos can be detected in urine samples up to thirty days after the benzos were administered.

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13y ago

dont count on 3 days, the gc/ms tests have detected this substance 5-7 days out.

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I was told 72 to 96 hours.

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Q: How long does metabolite benzoylecgonine stay in stystem?
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What does the presence of benzoylecgonine in a hair follicle drug test indicate?

Benzoylecgonine is the major metabolite that is tested for to determine whether or not cocaine was ingested. Cocaine itself does not stay in the system long enough to be a reliable indication of whether or not someone ingested the drug. Benzoylecgonin can be detected for a much longer period than cocaine.

How long does cocaine stay in urine for court test?

It depends on how long the individual has been abusing on the substance and how much. It also depends on the metabolism of the abuser. The longer the individual has been abusing on the substance means that it stays in their body longer. And obviously the more they take, the longer it sticks around. Depending on the above factors, cocaine can be detected in urine from 12 hours up to five days. Possibly more. Benzoylecgonine is the main metabolite of cocaine. A urine level of 300 nanograms per millilitre of benzoylecgonine is considered a positive result for cocaine use in most countries.

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3 to 5 days - they are looking for the metabolite of nicotine - cicotine.

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It can be detected. The metabolite from nicotine will stay in your system up to 4 or 5 days.

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Xanex or Alprazolam stores in the nerve ending in your brain andextended use leads to severe memory loss and later, mental retardation.

Is 3 and 1 half days long enough to pass cocaine drug test in lab?

There is a bit of misinformation out there and that is cocaine is out of your system in 2-3 days. Well while that might be true LABS DON'T TEST FOR THE DRUG ITSELF. Yes, that is true, they look for the metabolite. A metabolite is something that the body produces when it ingests something, in the case of cocaine it is "benzoylecgonine" that will stay around long after the drug is gone, up to 30 days for a frequent user. THE DRUG ITSELF can stay in your bloodstream up to 72 hours. It can stay in your urine for about 2 or up to 7 days after single use. Habitual or chronic use can be detected in urine for up to 12 weeks depending on quantity, duration, and frequency of use. Cocain can stay in your hair up to about 90 days. But there are also information that cocaine can stay in your hair for about 25 years after you only take it once.

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The main semi-active metabolite of vallium can stay in your system from 36-200 hours.

How long does crack stay in the blood stream?

Cocaine will stay and therefore be detected in a person's system for different periods in different organs in the body. In a user's bloodstream cocaine may stay in the user's bloodstream for up to two days. Cocaine may stay in the user's urine for one to three days and may stay in a user's hair for up to three months. It is interesting to note that while testing for substance abuse most recognized laboratories will not test for the drug, like cocaine, but instead will test for the metabolite of the substance. In the case of cocaine the laboratory will test for 'benzoylecgonine'. This may remain in an addict's bloodstream for up to thirty days.

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Depending on the drug, dosage, frequency, purity and your body. Alcohol will usually be gone by 12 hours, where as heavy usage of Marijuana will be detectable 30+ days from the last intake. I would advise you to stay "clean" at least one month before attempting any kind of drug screening.

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Loratadine is metabolized within 8 hrs on average, it's metabolite will remain detectable for up to 92 hours. Loratadine is available OTC, so should not raise any red flags.

How long does cocaine stay in system exactly?

It's very difficult to find how long does cocaine stay in your system. However the major factors that determine how long does cocaine stay in your system are:The amount of cocaine you consumeThe form in which you have consumed cocaineThe intensity level of the cocaine you consumedThe frequency of consumptionThe effect of other medicines that you take on a daily basisYour tolerance limitYour ageYour sexYour rate of metabolismAnd your state of healthGiven the innumerous factors, the time taken by our body to eliminate the traces of cocaine consumed is really unpredictable.Reports reveal that cocaine stays in your body for around 2-3 days from the day of intake. However that is definitely a misconception. Drug tests generally test for the presence of cocaine and also verify the presence of any metabolite of cocaine. Our human body produces benzoylecgonine as a result of cocaine intake and it's a well known fact that benzoylecgonine gets retained in the human body for around a month after the intake. Understand that the drug tests verify the presence of benzoylecgonine in our system.To really understand how long does cocaine stay in your system, consider the following factsCocaine is expected to be present in the body for 72 hours since its intakeCocaine is expected to be detected in your urine for 1-3 days since its intake provided the intake is only onceHabituated use of cocaine results in traces of cocaine being detected in urine for up to 12 weeks.Cocaine is said to be retained in your hair for a period of 3 months since its intake.There are also reports available that suggest the presence of cocaine for a time frame of 25 years since its intake.The state of art drug tests available as on date detect the presence of illegal substances in blood, hair in the urine track and in the urine. Instead of trying to find how long does cocaine stay in our system, its better to opt for detoxes, which help cleaning up cocaine in our system.Source:

How long does it take after cocaine or crack is used before it is non-detectable in blood or urine screenings?

AnswerCocaine or crack can remain present up to approximately 5-6 hours after your last use. It's metabolite - Benzoylecgonine - can be detected for up to approximately 2-3 days after your last use. It can also depend on a few personal factors, such as your metabolism, body weight, activity level and general nutrition.