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Untill there were no Jews left.

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Q: How long did Hitler want the Holocaust to last?
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Why did the killing of the holocaust all start?

because hitler want to kill jews. this was so because, hitler had a ideal of a non jewish europe

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Yes especially European Jews to escape Hitler's holocaust.

Why did Hitler want to Holocaust to happen?

So all the Jews would be vanished... killed.... tortured. He hated Jews. He blamed them for all the problems in Germany!

Why did people take so long to react to the Holocaust?

People didn't want to believe it.

Was Hitler a boy?

Yes Hitler was a boy He was a very evil man and he killed 1,000s of innocent people (mostly Jews) just because he hated Jews If you want to know more than look up the Holocaust

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In the last days of berlin, Hitler honestly believed that he could defeat the russians. This is why he did not evacuate.

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I am not sure exactly how long they will last, but they will last for at least 1 year.

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because the Nazis considered there to be racial traits passed down within Judaism. They also did not want children growing up seeking revenge.

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Safaris with Africa Travel last as long as you want them to last. It all depends on how long you want to go for. Obviously, the longer the safari, the more it costs.

What does each letter in Hitler mean?

? What do you mean each letter? Hitler was Adolph Hitler's last name, not an acronym or anything. If this is not the answer you are looking for, I am sorry. :) You may want to try re-phrasing your question and asking it again.