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the battle of gettysburg took 5 months to clean up

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Q: How long did it take to clean up the dead bodies at Gettysburg?
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How long were dead bodies left in the trenches?

During WWI the dead whether in the trenches or in "No Man's Land" were left there until the Wars end. Bodies were still being found even after a decade.

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How long was the Gettysburg speech?

two minutes

Where does Lincoln mention about the men who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg?

In the Gettysburg Address he says, "the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor powers to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.…" NEW RESPONDENT Lincoln did that mention during the Gettysburg Address, released on Nov. 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, four and a half months after the Union Army defeated the Confederate Army at the Battle of Gettysburg

Was General Lee the Confederate Commanding General at the Battle of Gettysburg?

No. George Washington died in 1799, while the Battle of Gettysburg took place in 1863. Besides, Washington was from Virginia, which during the Civil War was part of the Confederacy. The Union commander at Gettysburg was General George MEADE.

How long does you live on moons?

until i have fun time with your mom and brother and sister and dog and family and dad and dead bodies in your familys cemetery

How long has it been since Gettysburg?

149 years.

How long did battle last in Gettysburg?

Four days.

How long does it take to drive from Atlanta GA to Gettysburg PA?

11 to 12 hours to from Atlanta GA to Gettysburg PA.

How long does it take to drive from Toronto to Gettysburg?

About nine hours

How long of a drive is it from Gettysburg to Harrisburg?

It is approximately 37 minutes.

How long has it been since Gettysburg address?

250 tears