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Bacteria live for about 20 minutes then they divide into two bacteria by binary fission.

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If properly sealed from insects and pathogens, then indefinitely.

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It typically lives for 12 years

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no more than 4 hours

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Q: How long can bacteria live in rain water for?
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Which has more bacteria rainwater tap water or purified water?

Tap water because their are more minerals getting into the tap water unlike rain water, and bottled water.

Does fishes live in the tropical rainforest?

There are many fish who live in the tropical rain forest. Some of the fish that live in the water of the rain forest include Bull Sharks, Candiru, Electir Eels, and the Red-Bellied Piranhas.

Which bacteria is responsible for the smell of sand after the rain?


How long does it take for galvinzie to rust?

yes it does after 2.5 hours of continues water and rain

How do you make a paper clip to rust?

You leave it in water or out in the rain for a long period of time.

Related questions

Reason for disadvantage rainwater harvesting?

Rain water that has been sitting out for a long time will develop various bacteria. The solution to this is boiling all your rain water before drinking it.

What kind of bacteria grow in water?

nothing because there isn't any oxygen in the water and besides we wouldn't be inhaling in there anyways.............well actually bubbles form when you exhale in water but that's not the point

What decomposers live in tropical rain forest?

fungi bacteria moss! all sorts of stuff!!!

Does the green iguana live in the rain forest?

Green Iguanas usually live is rain forests, dry inlands, or by the water.

What is going to happen to the fruit if there is no rain?

well, the plants that the fruit came from would not be able to live very long without rain so there would be no fruit...unless you found another water source to supply the plant with water

Why does rain stink?

rain is made from many dirty water we dump away 2nd answer: Rain is the most pure water there is, in nature. On the other hand, rain drops quite often form around dust specks. Sometimes, especially on windy days, you can smell the dust. Otherwise, rain is often ionized, which gives it the smell of "rain", but in neither case does the rain 'stink'. Maybe you live in an area with air pollution, in which case, perhaps answer #1 is the better.

Which has more bacteria rainwater tap water or purified water?

Tap water because their are more minerals getting into the tap water unlike rain water, and bottled water.

How does a plant live in a rain forest?

by how much water and tempeture

What habitat do iguanas live?

iguanas live in a tropical rain forest for reasons of water.

Do manatees live in the rain forest waters?

No! manatees live in usually fresh water and sometimes drift into ocean water and plus manatees could not survive in the rain forest with such tempatures.

How long does a paratee live?

the rain forest, a wildlife zoo

How many animals are dying by the rain?

well if its acid rain many fishes die because they live in water and when the acid rain mixes up with the fresh water and pollutes the water. I think they are the only one