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Credit inquiries are logged on your file for a period of 2 years. Some argue that the score itself is only effected for 12 months, but the inquiry is visible for 24 months.

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Q: How long do credit inquiries affect your credit score?
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How long does bad credit affect your credit score?

as long as your credit file contains negative information it will always impact your credit score

How long before a loan shows in your credit score and how many points will it increase?

typically, a credit score will go DOWN a little when you get a loan or have any inquiries on your personal credit information. The credit score usually goes up after there are reports that you have made timely payments on a loan and after you have some assets that are of real value.

How long will credit inquiries remain on your credit report?

2 years

How long do Hard inquiries stay on a credit report?

Hard inquiries stay on your credit report for 2 years from the date they were initiated.

Does my applying for a credit card affect my spouse's credit score?

no it doesn't as long as you both don't at the same time.

How can payday loans affect your credit score?

Payday loans can be use to affect your credit score positively, but this must be done carefully and other types of loans may be better for long term rehabilitation of your credit score. However, payday loans can also affect your score negatively if you consistently use them and don't get out of debt entirely, as being in debt affects your credit score (and not making progress getting out of it).

How long does it affect your credit score if you do not pay your credit cards?

As long as you are not able to pay on time your credit cards and you are not maintaining a good credit payment schedule, your credit score is affected. Therefore, you must pay or settle all your accounts with your credit card in order to have a good credit score. There are ways on how to do this. Search online , there are sites that give honest and effective advice.

Will my credit score affect my debt relief options?

Your credit score will not affect available debt relief plans so long as you go through a non-profit credit consolidation agency. There are many scams out there, so non-profit is the only way to go.

Would closing a credit card damage my credit score?

Yes closing a credit card can damage your credit score. But as long as everything else is good it should not affect you credit rating to much. Look for tips to keep a good credit card rating.

If you authorize someone else to use your credit card and that person does not have good credit does that affect your credit score?

No they don't care, so long as the expenses on your credit card are paid.

When a mortgage broker shops around for a home loan and there are numerous inquiries on your credit report how long do they stay on your report?

While inquiries are displayed only 90 days on a typical credit report, they are factored into a consumer's credit score for 12 months for loans, 24 months for insurance purposes. Different scoring models also assess inquiries differently. Bureaus factor similar inquiries, like multiple mortgage companies or multiple auto financers, as ONE inquiry if those inquiries are performed within a certain period of time. There is also variation in how many points are deducted from the score for an inquiry. Consumers who have any public record items on their credit, like bankruptcy, foreclosure, tax liens or judgments, are hit harder for an inquiry than a consumer who has no public records showing.

How often should you re-apply for credit?

Inquiries remain on your credit history for 2 years, and will affect your scores and ability to attain credit. Mortgage and Car loan inquires are a little different: the bureaus allow for "shopping time" so that multiple inquiries of this type of credit only count as one as long as they are within the same 30 day period. Usually when you are declined credit, they give you specific reasons for the decline. Fix the reasons before re-applying, otherwise, you will just be shooting yourself in the foot with added inquiries.