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depending on the cut

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Q: How long do stitches need to be left in on the hand?
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How long should stitches be in?

The Doctor Who put them in will be able to best judge how long they need to be left in, but on average stitches on the face should be left in for 3-5 days, stitches on the body or scalp 7-10 days, and stitches on extremities 10-14 days. When a stitch is put in on a joint like the elbow or knee, the wound will take longer to heal and stitches should be left in for a full two weeks. Stitches being left in for too long risk infection and painful extraction and stitches removed too soon can result in the wound opening up again. (WikiAnswers and all contributors are not responsible for the advice given. This advice is given for informational use only and should not not constitute or replace professional medical advice.)

What does left throw mean when buying a softball glove?

well first off do you mean throwing with your left hand and if so you need a glove for your right hand

How long until you can play football again after stitches in your foot come out?

It really depends on why the stitches were in there. If the stitches were there due to surgical implication i.e. fracture bone, ligament or tendon rupture, then you need to go through an appropriate amount of physical therapy to gain motion and strength back to the foot and ankle. If the stitches were there because you cut your foot on something, once the stitches come out, as long as the skin is closed you can play football. If you are worried, you can use krazy glue on the area that had the stitches or place a bandage on the area. I have had athletes play with stitches on as long as the area was well padded and bandaged up.

How long do stiches stay in?

The doctor who put them in will be able to best judge how long they need to be left in, but on average stitches on the face should be left in for 3-5 days, stitches on the body or scalp 7-10 days, and stitches on extremities 10-14 days. When a stitch is put in on a joint like the elbow or knee, the wound will take longer to heal and stitches should be left in for a full two weeks. Stitches being left in for too long risk infection and painful extraction and stitches removed too soon can result in the wound opening up again. (WikiAnswers and all contributors are not responsible for the advice given. This advice is given for informational use only and should not not constitute or replace professional medical advice.)

Does writing with your left help you in basketball?

Yes . As we need to bounce the ball with our left hand

Do you need stitches if you break your arm?

If you break your arm you usually get just a cast. Unless you go in for surgery you won't usually need stitches.

What if your dentist doesnt give you stitches after wisdom teeth being pulled?

Then you probably didn't need stitches.

On piano music sheets how do you know which part is the right hand or left?

the top part is right hand and the bottom is left. the notes on the top are above middle c, so you need to use your right hand. vice versa with the left.

In riding schools who has right of way?

You ride left hand to left hand, so if you were circling to the right and someone else to the left, you would need to be on the inside track so that your left hand passed closest to their left hand as you passed each other. Then it works vice versa. As far as crossing the school is concerned you need to plan ahead, look forwards, be aware of where everyone is and be in full control of your horse.

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you have to be licensed to sell hand guns.

Which way do you hold a polo stick?

Your right hand should be placed at the bottom of the grip, this is your support hand. The left hand should be placed around the top of the stick, this is your control hand. Left-handed people typically have an advantage as the left hand positions the stick.