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Turkeys lay eggs.

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Q: How long do turkeys carry offspring?
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Related questions

Do wild turkeys carry disease?

Wild turkeys do not have to carry diseases, but some of them do. You should not get those diseases because the turkeys will be cleaned before given to you to eat.

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How long do the mouse carry their offspring inside their womb?

The gestation of a fancy mouse is 19 to 23 days.

What diseases do turkeys carry?

Turkeys themselves are susceptible to many different diseases and other illnesses. Turkeys can infect humans with salmonella but the majority of issues turkeys run into are different varieties of worms.

What is it call where kangaroos carry their offspring?

Kangaroos, and most marsupials, carry their offspring in a pouch. The correct term for the pouch is marsupium.

How many offspring at one time do turkeys have?

as many as 18 eggs at a time. It takes about a month for the chicks to hatch.

How long did it take Vince Pilkinton to kill and pluck 100 turkeys?

He never kill any turkeys

What is it called when the male and female can both hold eggs?

While it is typical that a female would carry the offspring in a heterogamous species. Male pregnancy is the term used when a male carries the offspring. Male fish of the Syngnathidae family carry their offspring.

What is something that carrys genes that determine the sex of offspring called?

Gametes carry genes that determine the sex of an offspring.

What is a pouched mammal that bears immature offspring?


How long are baby fish in the womb?

Fish do not carry offspring in a womb. They lay eggs. The amount of time spent in the egg varies from species to species.

What is an fact about seahorses?

Male seahorses carry the offspring, not the females.