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Not all women cramp, if it is lasting for a long time and isn't getting better, you should see a doctor. The other symptoms are normal for pregnancy.

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Q: How long do you cramp in the beginning of your pregnancy and is it normal for your nipples to feel swollen sore and burning if its not PMS at only being 2 and a half weeks pregnant?
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At what stage in pregnancy do your nipples hurt?

It can be a sign of pregnancy but EVERY women are different.

Are white tipped burning nipples an early pregnancy symptom?


Is burning nipples a sign of pregnancy or impending period?

Burning feeling in the nipples can be caused by several things which are as follows: * Irritation from bra. * Irritation caused by soap and/or washing powder. * Pregnancy. * Period about to start.

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Pain in nipples when squeezed and bra removed signs of pregnancy?

Yes you are pregnant.

Is it normal to be 2 weeks pregnant and not have sore nipples?

The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Burning breasts and bloating feeling?

Possibly. More so the burning NIPPLES than the bloated fealing. Take a pregnancy test.

Is ovulation and sore nipples sign of pregnancy or hormone imbalance?

You don't ovulate if you are pregnant and if you are not pregnant ovulation is perfectly normal.

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

Is burning sensitive nipples and fatigue pregnancy symptoms even with 3 negative tests?

Yes it still can be. If you are late on your period or had an abnormally light one then yes. I have 2 children and pregnant with the third, and on my second pregnancy, my home pregnancy test didn't show positive until I was like 2 1/2 months along. But if you have had your period and are still showing a negative test then more than likely you are not pregnant. Burning nipples and fatigue can also mean impending menstruation as well.

Are you pregnant if you have swollen nipples tender breast and crampy?

Possibly. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.

What does it mean when your nipples become dark?

That you're pregnant. That's usually one of the first signs women notice.