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Well, what color is your hair? If it's dark brown, it's not going to turn blonde anytime soon...

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Q: How long do you have to stay in the sun for your hair to turn blond?
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If a strawberry blond made his hair lighter then would it turn blond?

uh, depends did he or she dye his or her hair blond?

How can you turn your hair blond?

you can use a hair die and die it

If you had blond hair and you wanted to die it black would your hair turn red?

It depends on what kind of hair color you have, and how long you leave the hair die in. If you follow the instructions it should come out great.

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if you get peroxide in your hair it will change color. if your hair is blond it will turn silver if its brown it will turn red if its red it will turn blond if its black it will turn brownish red if its jet black it will turn grey

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Well, it should say on the container that you got the dye or whatever in. And are you sure that you want dirty blond hair. . .? Mine's that color and it's not very attractive. Oh, well.

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Can you turn a brunett into a blond with just blond shampoo and conditioner?

No, you need to bleach the hair first! Anyway go to a beauty salon!

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it will most likely be blond in the beginning , then it will turn brown as he gets older

Can well water turn your hair green?

I wouldn't think so.. I know if your blond then chlorine will..

How do you get green out of a child's hair from swimming pool?

the chlorine make blond hair turn green. if you use chlorine shampoo it should get it out.

Can black haired mom and blonddad have blond child?

Well, actually yes it also depends in bouth mom and dad geneticts if the mother Or father of the mom had blond hair and dad has blond hair, well the kid has more Chanses to be blond but if the mother or father of dad have black hair and mom have black hair well the kid have more Chanses of having black hair...or the kid can be born blond and when he grow up the hair can turn black... So it all depends but yes it can happend.

Why does the water turn blond hair green?

It's not the water, it chlorine. It has to do with a chemical reaction in the hair, probably due to the pigments, as far as I understand.