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Weed stays in your urine for approx 30 days, depending how much water you drink. As for hair and blood I cant say.

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Q: How long does THC stay in your system when you been smoking for years?
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If you have been smoking for over 12 years non stop how long would it take for the THC to get out of your system?

420 days

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She started smoking when she was 14 years old.

If i have been smoking for over 6 years how long will it stay in my system?

First of all we all know it stays in your system for a month so why ask its the same

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maybe 2 years now

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If you been smoking for 10 years but you stop for about 30 days it will clear out. it doesnt matter how long you've done just how long you have until your drug test to clear out the marijuana

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People being saying 19 or 20 years

Ive smoked weed for years now how long would it take to get out of your system?

Long fricken time.

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