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Depending on the breed, it should take around 5 to 6 months for a chicken to become fully grown.

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8y ago

Chickens can live for 12+ years if they are taken care of well.

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14y ago

hi there boss 6 years

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12y ago

10-12 probaly

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Q: How long does a chicken live from a chick to a full chicken?
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How long does a chick live?

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How long until is baby chick is a chicken?

Well I cant tell you that because im not a chick a dont work at Wing Stop!!!! ahahahaha 39 dog years *

How long does it take a chick to grow to slaughter?

From what I've read, usually about 8-10 weeks old. There are breeds of chicken which gain several pounds in that span of time and which would have health problems later in life if permitted to live.

Chicks are in egg for?

If you want to ask how long a chick (baby chicken) is in an egg for, it is usually around 21 days depending on the breed etc.

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How long after the chick hatches is it until it is an adult?

The answer varies. It can be anything depending on what you mean by fully-grown. If you mean to ask how long it takes until a chick has grown to the 'point-of-lay' stage, then this answer varies depending on the breed of the chicken. Usually it is around 4 - 6 months. If you mean how long it takes from a chick to maturity, it is usually around 3 - 5 months again depending on breed.

How long does a laying chicken live?

usally 10 to 12 years. !

How long does a baby chicken live?

A baby chicken can live to be an adult depending on how much care it is given. It must stay indoors until its outer feathers are grown.

How long can chicken live?

From 12-15 years