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Dachshunds go into heat every 4-10 months. Usually the first heat cycle a female has is not representative of the number of months between heat cycles. The best indication is the number of months from that first heat to a second heat. Pregnancy does interrupt heat cycles, however they usually return to their original number of months between heats.

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15y ago
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14y ago

All Breeds show signs at the first week of coming into heat and then they are in heat for one week and then go out of heat over a week period, so three weeks total but only fertile in the middle week.

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Do long hair dachshunds shed?

Yes, they do, especially in summer months. I have two Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds and they shed quite alot unless you brush them frequently.

Do Dachshunds shed?

Yes! Long-haired Dachshunds shedding is much more noticeable, but it doesn't occur all the time. Short-haired Dachshunds shed year-round, but you can't really tell. I'm not sure about wire-haired ones, though.

Why do dachshunds have a long body?

So they can go down holes to catch mice and rats.

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