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The average draft horse lives to be around 28 to 30 years old, it depends on the health of the animal.

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Q: How long does an average draft horse live?
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What is the life span of a draft horse?

Draft horses usually live into their late teens or early twenty's. This is not always true however some have lived much long into their forty's even. Again some also don't live that long. Its depends on the care taking and behavior of the horse. Sometimes theirs nothing you can do some things just happen.

How long can a a hourse live?

on average, a domesticated horse can live anywhere from 25-30 years. The average lifespan of a mustang is anywhere from 20-25 years.

How long does male and female horses live?

The average age for a horse to live, no matter the gender, is 25 to 30 years. the oldest horse was a male horse named Old Billy who lived to be 62.

How long is mares?

It depends what you mean by how long are mares, if you mean by how long they live the same as the average horse or pony, how long they are by measurement it varies to which breed they are.

How long doess a horse live?

An average horses life span is around 30-40 years

How long can a shire horse live?

The same as most breeds on horses. Horses live on average between 25 and 30 years of age but the oldest horse in the world was over 60!

How long can a draft hamster live?

hamsters live 2 to 3 years.

What helps the average horse live in its environment?

long ears thick coat powerful back legs sharp teeth

Can a draft horse go as long as a regular horse?

Understand--we have always used draft horses on the farm & slow & steady a draft horse can go (work-wise) twice as long as a per say 1/4 horse--they are not hunter jumpers & I am still am befuddled that people put them primarily under saddle--it's kinda like expecting a St Bernard to keep up with a Whippet---how would a whippet do on Mt St Helen

How long is the average horse racetrack?

The average is 1 mile.

What is the average lifespan of a carriage-pulling horse?

I have found the average lifespan of a black horse to be about twenty to thirty years. It does not matter if the horse is black, white or whatever color the horse is.

How long can a Arabian horse live?

An Arabian horse can typically live from 18 to 30 years of age.