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At any given time, about 1/4 of the body's blood is in the kidneys being cleansed. All of the blood in the body is cleansed by the kidneys approximately every 50 minutes.

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Q: How long does it take all the body's blood to go through the kidney?
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How long does it take for your entire blood volume to pass through your kidneys?

A total of 425 gallons or 1609 liters of blood passes through our kidneys every day. Approximately a quarter of our total blood is in our kidney at a time and the entire blood is cleaned every 50 minutes.

What processes take place during the period after the blood enters the kidneys till the urine leaves the body?

Blood flows to the kidney through the renal artery. Once in the kidney the blood flows through a series of smaller and smaller arteries until it gets to the glomerulus. The glomerulus filters blood and to be very simplistic creates a filtrate of the blood or "urine". This urine then flows through a series of progressively bigger tubules and ducts until it gets to the renal pelvis. At this point urine exits the kidney, it enters the ureter (long tube connecting kidney and bladder), and flows into the bladder where it is held until one desires to urinate. At this time urine flows out of the bladder and into the urethra. The urethra connects the bladder to the outside of the body.

Can you donate blood if you have kidney disease?

Yes. Potential donors with a single kidney are eligible as volunteer blood doors as long as there is no renal dysfunction in the remaining kidney. If the kidney was removed for malignancy, you may be temporarily deferred for 1-5 years after completion of therapy. Please contact the medical director of your regional blood center to review your eligibility.

Can high blood pressure cause a kidney infection?

Infections are due to bacteria or viruses but long term high blood pressure can damage kidneys

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How might a very low blood pressure impair kidney function?

the kidneys are used to filter the blood through capsules called a glomerulus. if the blood doesn't have enough pressure behind it, blood cannot properly purify, this could lead up to a toxic build up of urea and possibly cause a kidney inflammation and even an infection if it is chronic - long lasting. also low blood pressure can be indicative of a kidney problem as well - as the kidneys are responsible for maintaining BP (blood pressure) through functions such as releasing erythropoitein to create more RBC's and also to control the viscosity of blood - thickness - through the amount of water the kidney sends on to the bladder.

How long could a human live?

as long as the bodys organs can withstand and it depends on the health of the person

If you are anemic and you think you have gotten a urinary infection from sex yes you do see blood in your urine what should you do other than going to a doctor?

Hematuria, the medical term for blood in the urine, could indicate a number of problems. The most common cause of blood in the urine is from damage in the urinary tract. Physical damage in the urinary tract is likely from a kidney stone that has not been passed through the ureters. Kidney stones are normally harmless unless they grow to abnormally large sizes, blocking the flow of urine. The problem with kidney stones comes when they are passed through the ureters and into the bladder. A stone can barely fit through the ureters and is therefore very painful to void. Otherwise, a stone won't cause any long term problems... Other possible reasons for blood in the urine are urinary tract infections, kidney infections, tumors in the urinary tract, or kidney disease. Blood in the urine is the first sign that appears in all of these cases. Protein is often present in these diseases, as well. Unlike kidney stones, infection and diseases are more serious and will likely result in death if left untreated. Since urinary tract infection and kidney problems are harder to treat than many other conditions, early detection is vital...

How long does it take one kidney cell to reproduce?

5 mounth through a proceses called cell rehabellatation

Can a living 12 year old donate a liver?

No I believe that u have to be at least 18, like donating blood. But definitely no 12.

How long can a bat rays tail get?

It will grow up to yhe bodys lenth.

How efficient is a kidney dialysis machine in comparison to a healthy kidney?

Depends which machine, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis machine. Both are efficient and u can live long, but definitely not as much as you could with a healthy kidney. Dialysis machines purify you're blood but they don't purify it always well enough and they purify blood elements that they should not purify also. So its best to be healthy :)