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The length of time after you finish drinking alcohol that it will still be in your system depends on how much you drank and the period of time in consideration. Generally speaking, people metabolize alcohol at the rate of 1/2 ounce per hour (that's half an ounce of absolute alcohol -- or one "standard" drink) -- roughly equivalent to: 12 ounces of beer, 10 ounces of microbrew, 6 ounces of wine cooler (or hard lemonade), 1-1/4 ounces of 80-proof liquor or 4 ounces of wine. Therefore, if you consume three standard drinks -- regardless of how long it took you to drink them -- it would take you three hours to be completely free of alcohol. This should hopefully make it apparent that alcohol builds up in your body over time because the liver can only metabolize one an hour. That's why it is dangerous for people to "chug" alcohol or play drinking games. If you consume large quantities of alcohol in a short period of time, you can quickly get a toxic or lethal dose in your blood stream. Unfortunately, once it is absorbed from the gut (which occurs relatively quickly), there's nothing you can do to "get rid" of the alcohol except wait for it to be metabolized by the liver.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Alcohol is metabolized by a healthy liver at the rate of approximately 1/3 ounce of pure alcohol per hour. Therefore, if one ingests 10 "standard" drinks* at 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol each, it will take 15-18 hours for the alcohol to leave the system, and about 7 days to clear the metabolites detected by an EGT test. *Most drinks have more alcohol than the "standard."

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11y ago

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It depends on how much you drink. One 8 ounce glass of beer, 5 ounce glass of wine, and one shot all have the same alcohol content. Just drinking one of those would take your body at least an hour for the alcohol to leave. It also depends on your weight.

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14y ago

in very general terms it takes one hour per drink, eg a pint of beer, 6 oz. wine, 1 shot etc. However you will still be over the driving limit. The exact time depends on your health, size, how much you drink, what you drink.

The only shortcut is to vomit immediately after drinking, before you begin to absorb it into your bloodstream,

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Q: How long does it take for alcohol to leave your blood?
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