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Q: How long does it take meth to clean out of your system if you smoke everyday?
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How long does marijuana stay in your system if i smoke everyday for one month?

If you smoke then there is no marijuana in mysystem

How long will it stay in your system if you smoke everyday for ten years?

For 420 days.

How long after smoking weed is your urine clean?

generally it takes about a month to clean weed out of your system, yet it all depends on how much you smoke and how often you smoke that amount.

How long does marijuana stay in your system if you have not smoked it for 4 months?

Well If you Don't have much body fat you can be clean in less then 2 weeks. Well thats at least how long it takes me. I am also a heavy user smoke everyday, a few times a day..

How long will it take for THC to leave your system if you smoke one blunt in a whole year?

It will take around a week if you don't smoke a lot but if your everyday it could take month

If you smoke hydro everyday how long would it take to get clean?

For regular smokers, marijuana takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks (or a month, on average) to completely leave your system, depending on your weight and metabolism. This is true regardless of what kind of marijuana it is.

How long does pot stay in your system if you are a regular user?

If you smoke multiple times a day everyday then it can remain in your urine for up to 45 days.

If you were clean for a month and you decide to smoke a dime of marijuana how long will it stay in your system?

it should be out in under a week

If you only smoke one bowl how long will that last in system?

You should be clean in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, depending on your weight.

How long will it take to clean your system if you smoke only on the weeekend?

If you only smoke once or twice a week, then it shouldn't take more than two weeks to give a clean urine sample. It takes two to six weeks (or a month on average) for people who smoke every day, or almost every day.

If you were an everyday marijuana user 1 month ago and detox your body then use hair detox will the hair detox remove all toxins from your hair and have you clean for good so long as you dont smoke?

Yes. Once the hair follicle is clean it stays clean until you use again.

If you smoke once a month how long will weed stay in my system?

it stays in your system for a month no matter how much you smoke.