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The length of time will depend on whether or not the opposing party opposes the writ. If not, you might be able to get the order at the first hearing. If not, it could take months or years.

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Q: How long does it take to get a writ or replevin to be served to take a car?
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What is a writ of repossession?

You are likely thinking of a writ of REPLEVIN. It's a Court Order for the vehicle to be served on the customer for the vehicle.

How do you get a replevin?

get a lawyer they can help you with a writ of replevin.

What is a writ of registration on a vehicle repossession?

A 'writ of REPLEVIN" maybe?

Can a warrant be issued if you haven't turn the car in?

Its called a writ of replevin and yes sometimes these are used to get the vehicle when your served one of these its either your vehicle or you,but that's your choice.AnswerIt is a long process to get a writ and you will have ample time togive up the car.

Can car be repossessed on locked property?

It can if the lender gets a writ of replevin, the deputy can take it.

When to get a writ of replevin?

It is wise to seek a writ of replevin any time a debtor threaten violence, makes a statement that he is hiding or refuseing to surrender the vehicle, or when he breaks the peace during a recovery attempt.

What is the difference between a repossession and a writ of replevin?

Repossession is what is commonly thought of as a "REPO". A self-help repo is permitted by most states. "Writ of Replevin" is the other legal option that a few states require to do the same thing. The state makes money by requiring the Replevin. BOTH have the same effect on your credit. A repo is where a lender contacts someone to pick up the vehicle. You, at that time, do NOT have to surrender the vehicle. A "Writ of Replevin" is where the lender gets a court order signed by a judge for you to surrender the vehicle. It will be served by a Sheriff's officer, with the repo man in tow, and you will then have to let them take the car. Otherwise, you are in contempt and it is not worth it to defy a court order. That is the only time you have to surrender the vehicle.

What is the definition of the word replevin?

See link to other question:What is a writ of replevin?

Can collector file a civil suit for repossession of a vehicle?

YES, its called a writ of replevin.

Must a replevin writ be served by the complainant?

The complainant would have to be present in order to identify the property specified in the writ, but they could be accompanied by anybody to assist them. Customarily, if there is any conflict expected between the parties, law enforcement will supply an officer to "stand-by" and keep the peace.

After a Writ of Replevin has been granted by the court how long does the borrower have until wages are garnished if the collateral is not recovered?

A Writ of Replevin is a court order for the debtor to turn over the property. If the debtor doesnt do so, the debtor is in contempt of the court. What happens to people who are in contempt of a court order? They retire to more peaceful surroundings to consider their need to obey the court order.

What in a writ of replevin?

A replevin writ is a court order granted to a complainant to recover goods that have been unlawfully taken or retained. In some instances, the complainant will be required to post a bond before the order is granted.