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Q: How long does it take to get from Ellis island to North Dakota?
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How long does the boat stay at liberty island before going to Ellis Island in New York?

HOW long as you want because when u need to go to Ellis island you could take any boat that takes you to Ellis island.

How long is a flight from Ellis Island New York to Houston Texas?

Ellis Island has no aviation facilities.

How long did it take to get from Europe to Ellis Island?

most people say it took up to 3 to 5 weeks. [from Europe to Ellis Island]

How long does it take to drive across North Dakota?

Traveling from Beach, North Dakota to Fargo, North Dakota on I-94, it takes 5 hours to drive across North Dakota according to MapQuest.

How long did it take to sail from England to Ellis island?

about a month

Which state is farther north North Dakota or North Carolina?

South Dakota is further north than North Carolina.

How long was it to travel from Greece to Ellis Island?

2-3 weeks

Did Mexicans go through Ellis island to get into America?

All passengers who came to America from 1855 to 1890 had to go through Ellis Island. Passengers were inspected for contagious disease.

Why did immigrants cross Ellis Island?

Immigrants had to go to Ellis Island because they had to take a test, check if their sick, and get the papers this usually took a really long time.

How long is a flight from North Dakota to Italy?

Flights from Fargo, North Dakota to Rome, Italy, will take about 14 hours.

How long does it take to fly from North Dakota to Brussels Belgium?

It takes nine hours to fly from North Dakota to Brussels.

How many miles is it across North Dakota?

North Dakota is about 340 miles long (east to west).