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six month suspension

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Q: How long does the comprehensive drug reform act stay on your drivers licence record in New Jersey?
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Does a ticket from New Jersey affect your record in New Jersey even if you have a New York licence?

Yes, it does.

Can i get a drivers licence in New Hampshire with a unresolved DUI in California without going back to California?

No,its still on your record no matter what.Theyll still see that.My advice to you is get it resolved.

Does a DUI show up on record with another state with no drivers licence number from the out of state DUI?

Yes, the offenses are customarily also cross-indexed by the individuals name and DOB.

Can you be a cop in Texas if you have an expunged record?

If you have a felony charge on your record you will not be able to get your licence

Does Geico offer New Jersey car insurance for bad drivers?

Geico does offer insurance for someone with a less then perfect driving record. The Premiums are fairly large although for someone with strikes on their record.

What are the entrance requirements for an EMT school?

Schools vary from state to state, so what they want is very subjective. Some of the things that are needed in every state is, a valid drivers licence, 18+ and no criminal record.

How long does vehicle code 21461A stay on your record?

If you are referring to your drivers license record -- it will ALWAYS remain on your record. Your drivers record is a complete compilation of your entire driving history.

How long does a class C traffic misdemeanor stay on your record in Missouri?

If you are referring to your drivers license record, it will always remain as part of your permanent drivers record.

How many years does a DUI conviction remain on a drivers record?

A record of a DUI conviction on your drivers license history is permanent.

How long does a dwi stay on your diving record in New Jersey?

how long dose a dwi or DUI stay on your record in New Jersey

How long does a picture stays in your driver license record?

Every time you renew your licence you get a new photo taken. Check the expiration date on your licence.

The DMV keeps a record of your traffic convictions for?

Your drivers history is a lifelong record.