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no longer than 42 days just to be safe usually a month but bigger ppl can sometimes take longer to flush out... the tree gets stored in your fat cells that pass it off into the blood then urine. that's if you don't involve proper diet and exercise. I am 5 10 200 lbs and i flushed out in 2 weeks by going on a high fiber diet and going to the gym 3 times a week and making sure i did cardio everyday of the week at least 60 minutes i usually did 120 by playing Basketball games, football, soccer anything running or swimming. the high fiber diet works because THC actually is passed through your feces. 55% actually passes through. so eat foods that make you poop. apples, applejuice, oat cereal, oatmeal, etc. look some up. drinking water doesnt actually flush your system out. you go through a process call micturition.. the process of excreting water soluble- chemicals.. marijuana is not water soluble either is fat and that's where the THC is stored. fat excretes through your feces. but however still drink water because THC still gets into your urine and drinking makes you pee it out, only pee 5 times a day so the THC gets into the urine. hope this help sorry you cant toke feel your pain boss

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12y ago

It depends on how long you have been smoking for. If you are not a regular smoker then THC can be out of your systemin 3-7 days. If you are a regular smoker it can take anywhere from 1-4 months, maybe longer. Since THC is fat soluble, and you seem to have little to no fat your body would retain less THC over the long run. If you have time before a urine test drink alot of water until your urine runs clear and maybe you can get away with it.

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