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I am whale hunter and I know that I have been hunting whales for 59 years and am proud to be a whale hunter it is the best job ever

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Q: How long have whales been killed for?
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Related questions

How many millions of whales have been killed?

Billions, trillions. Whales have been killed for millennia. They were killed before the first humans walked the earth...same as all living organisms, they are killed, eaten, sink to the bottom of the ocean and are consumed by decomposers and they live as long as they can occupy a niche. Your question is open-ended. What whales?...When?...By whom?

Who has been killed by a killer whale?


Which whales are killed by pollution?

Sperm Whales!

Why did people use to kill whales long ago?

Whales are still getting killed. Mostly by the Japanese for the meat but their official statment is for research...

How many whales have been killed altogether?

about, ill say like probably around... a lot

How many gray whales are killed by the US?

No gray whales are killed. Indigenous communities in Alaska kill 50 bowhead whales a year.

How long have beluga whales been around?

about 1,800 years

How do humans affect blue whales?

Humans have been the biggest and most dangerous predators of the blue whales. With large ships and powerful harpoons humans killed these gentle giants in thousands. By 1970 330,000 blue whales had been caught & killed in the Antarctic, 33,000 in the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, 8,200 in the North Pacific, and 7,000 in the North Atlantic. The largest original population, in the Antarctic, had been reduced to 0.15% its original count.

What resource was the primary reason thousands of whales were killed?

whales were mainly killed for both food and wamth from the fat.

From 1930 to 1931 how many blue whales were killed by Antarctic whalers?

From 1930 to 1931 , 29 000 Blue Whales were killed.

Why are you killing whales?

Whales are killed for food and other by products from which a profit is made.

What happens with the whales bones after they get killed?

The whales bones got dissolved in the sea..