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Jupiter rotates the fastest of all of the planets. However, the gaseous atmosphere rotates at a different speed depending on the distance from the equator. The equatorial rotation period (day) is about 9.9 Earth hours.

Nearer the poles, the rotation period is about 9 hours, 55 minutes.

Around the equator, the period decreases to 9 hours, 50 minutes, despite the substantial equatorial bulge.

A Jupiter day is 0.41354 as long as our day or about 10 hours. The year is 4332.71 Earth days long or about 12 earth years. A month is determined by the revolution of our moon around the earth. Jupiter has many moons so it does not have months like we do.

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The planet Jupiter spins very fast and takes just 0d 9h 56m to do so.

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Q: What is a length of a day on Jupiter?
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What is the length of day on Jupiter?

the length of a day on Jupiter is average, 9.9 hours

Jupiter length of year and day?

Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet. It is 9.9 hours in a day and 12 earth years on Jupiter.

What is the length of the year and day on Jupiter?

the length of a day on Jupiter is unknown and so is the amount of days in a year

Length of time for one day on Jupiter?

It takes 10.5467 earth days to make 1 Jupiter day.

How long is the length of day in Jupiter?

9 hours and 55 minutes

What length is Jupiter?

Jupiter is an oblate spheroid and as such does not have a length.

A day in Jupiter is how long?

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. The length of one day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 56 minutes.

Length of day and night on Jupiter's moon Io?

5 hours is the day and 5 hours is the night!

Which planet would the time between sunrise and sunset be shortest?

Jupiter, with a day being 9.9hrs long. This is followed closely by Saturn, having a day length of just over 10 1/2hrs.

How many minutes are in an hour on Jupiter?

60. The length of the year and the length of the day on Jupiter will differ from that of Earth because a year is the length of time it takes to complete a circuit around the sun and a day is the length of time it takes to rotate on its axis. However, hours, minutes, and seconds are units of time that do not change on other planets.

The length of day on Jupiter?

It rotates very slow. One full rotation on Venus is 243 Earth days. However, the time from sunrise to sunrise, as apparent to an observer on the surface, is 116.75 earth days. The former is what is referred to as the sidereal day, and the latter the solar day.

What is a length of a day?

The rotation period of Jupiter is 9 hours 50 minutes 30 seconds .