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There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

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Q: How long is a judgment good for in child support in WA state?
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Related questions

What is a agreed judgment in child support?

A good answer can be found in Wikipedia under Stipulated judgment.

Can you put a judgment lien on someone for unpaid child support?

A judgment and a lien are two different things. I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency about collecting any arrearages. When you get an interview with them, bring all the papers relating to your child support: birth certificates, acknowledgments of paternity, court orders, payment records, etc. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

How do you get a father to pay child support?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

What can you do if your child's father is months behind on child support?

I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

Can you become a creditor for child support?

If you're trying to collect past-due child support, I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Good luck!

What can be done to a parent who is not paying child support in the state of Texas?

Contact your State's child support agency. They can take various actions to establish/collect support. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

What do you do if you have an income deduction order and still not getting child support?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

How do you collect child support arrears?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be patient but persistent (they're understaffed and very busy). Good luck!

How do you put child support lean against dead beat dads property?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

What if you never got child suppose payments?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

How do you get child support arrears from out of state parent?

I suggest that you contact your State's child support agency. When you get an interview with them, bring all the papers relating to your child support: birth certificates, acknowledgments of paternity, court orders, payment records, etc. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

How can a woman pay for legal fees needed to obtain back child support?

I suggest that she contact her State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!