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Jupiter rotates very fast and get right round in just under ten hours. All that speed and energy produces terrible storms like the Great Red Spot which is big enough to swallow up the Earth many times over, and it's been going for hundreds of years, so it is not a safe place to be.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Venus takes 224.65 days to complete its orbit around the sun, this is a little less than a year on Earth. But instead of a similare rotational period to Earths 24 hour day, Venus takes 243 Earth DAYS to rotate once.

In other words a DAY on Venus takes more time than a YEAR.

This points out that at some time in its history Venus colided with something else, causing its slow rotation. This also gives it the slowest day in the Solar System. Even stranger, Venus rotates backward compared to the other planets in our Solar System. If you could stand on the surface of Venus, which you cant because it is the most unhabitable place in our Solar System (except for the Sun itself), the Sun would rise in the West and then set in the East.

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12y ago

one jupiter day is about .416666667 earth days, or 10 hours

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13y ago

A jovian day lasts for 16 hours, so less sleep!

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12y ago

About 10 hours (9 hours, 56 minutes)

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7y ago

11.86 Earth years.

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4383 days

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12y ago

Andy kay :P

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Q: How long is a day on Jupiter compared to a day on earth?
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Does jupiter has a longer day than earth?

No. Jupiter rotates very fast, and a "day" on Jupiter is a little under 10 hours long.

How long is Jupiter's rotation in Earth days?

A Jupiter day is 10 Earth hours, and a year is 12 Earth years, or about 4383 Earth days.

How long is a year in Jupiter in Earth day?

4,332 days.

Which is longer a day on earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Earth because a day on Earth is 24 hours and a day on Jupiter is 10 hours

Length of a year and day on Jupiter?

A year on Jupiter is the same as 11.86 years on Earth. Jupiter's orbit varies by 76 million kilometers and has two times the mass of all the other objects in the solar system.

Is a day on Jupiter longer than a day on earth?

No, it's only about 10 hours long.

How long are days and nights on Jupiter compare this to earth?

Jupiter completes one rotation in 9hours 56minutes (according to Earth clocks).The plane of Jupiter's equator is inclined only about 3° to the plane of its orbit,compared to about 23.5° on Earth, so the length of Jupiter's "day" and "night"is much more constant, over its surface and throughout its "year". They're bothvery nearly 4hours 58minutes, anywhere on the planet.

How long are its years and days on Jupiter?

Jupiter's year is 11.86 Earth years and it's day is 9 hours,55 minutes Earth time.

Does earth have a longer day than Jupiter?

Yes 1 day on Earth is 24 hours, 1 day on Jupiter is about 9.9 hours

What is longer a day on Earth or a day on Jupiter?

Earth, Jupiter's days only last about 10 hours.

How many earth hours is 1 day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter is less than 10 Earth hours

How many Jupiter days fit into one earth day?

There are about 2.4 Jupiter days in one Earth day.