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do you mean like amputations? because my aunt had that and she healed pretty slowly, but she also had some real bad heart issues

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Q: How long is the recovery of leg shortening surgery?
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How is leg shortening done?

Leg shortening surgery is also performed under general anesthesia. Generally, femoral shortening is preferred to

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Long term recovery is where the recovery has taken place over a long stretch of time. It took a long time to recover. I.E. if Thierry Henry broke his leg, and it took him 8 months to recover, that would be long term recovery

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Leg length shortening is quite common after surgery (maybe up to an inch), however, a surgeon will try and minimise this.

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You can indeed join the Army if you have had surgery on your broken leg. This is of course as long as you can still use it to function properly.

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Fred Hurt from the TV show "Gold Rush" injured his left leg in a snowmobile accident in 2017. He underwent surgery and had a metal rod inserted in his leg as part of his recovery process.

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He had surgery 5 times on his left leg.

1. John is returning to the physician and office 2 weeks post surgery for an application of a new long leg cast. Patient required surgery due to a traumatic fracture of the lower leg. (8 points) a?

CPT 29345-58

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How much is foot surgery?

an arm and a leg

Can you wear a shirt for leg surgery?

Sure , why not ?

Can I claim any benefits after brain surgery left my leg with limited ability?

yes because after you get the surgery it might have affected the part of that controls the leg