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how long after divorce is final do you need to wait to remarry in Louisiana?

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14y ago

Filing for divorce has no bearing. Once the divorce decree is issued by the court, they can remarry immediately.

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Q: How long after divoce in final in Louisiana can you remarry?
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In texas how long after a divorce do you have to wait to remarry?

Wait for what? To get remarried? Normally there is a 60-day period from the time divorce is filed until it becomes final. You can remarry 30-days after the divorce becomes final. So, 90 days from the day you filed. 30-days from the day it's final.

How long do you have to wait to get remarried in Louisiana after you get a divorce?

Yes, there is a time period. It was 30 days in Louisiana years ago, but it is highly recommended that you check that the requisite period hasn't changed. One reason you have to wait 30 days (or more) is so the former spouse has a chance to appeal, as there are situations where you can get divorced without an initial hearing with your spouse present, etc..

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I just got off the phone with the county clerk and so long as the divorce is final you can get married that day!

How long must a divorced person wait to remarry in the state of Louisiana?

You need to wait three days after applying for a new marriage license. However you can ask the judge to waive the three days.

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For a simple divorce, you must be legally separated for one year before a divorce can be final.

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You need to wait for at least one year before you remarry.