

How long should mothers breastfeed their babies?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How long should mothers breastfeed their babies?
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Can you breastfeed if you have pierced nipples?

Nipple piercings may interfere with your ability to breastfeed. But you should be able to breastfeed as long as you remove your jewelry.

If you have a eight month or seven month rabbit how long does it take for them to have babies?

Rabbits should not be breed until they are at least one year of age at the very minimum. Young rabbits do not make good mothers and there is a high mortality rate for both mothers and babies.

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until they are nine months old

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It is possible to breastfeed while taking antidepressants as long as you are carefully monitored by a physician.

How long should infants breastfeed?

The AAP recommends breastfeeding for the first year and the WHO recommends the first 2 years.

How long does a calf breastfeed?

Calves do not "breastfeed," actually, because their dams, the cows, do not have breasts like human mothers do. Cows have what is called an udder, and the action to which a calf relies on its mother for milk is called suckling. The length of time a calf--particularly a beef calf--remains a suckler is for around six to eight months.

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How long do Arctic fox mothers take care of the babies?

they take care of them, for about 100 days, or 3 months, and 10 days.

How long is baby in a mothers tummy for?

it depends it can be 9 months or 0 months and 2 weeks but after 2 weeks the babies have to be born

How long after giving birth should it take for breast milk come in?

As long as they are consistently feeding their baby, women can breastfeed for several years after birth. Doctors recommend at least six months of breastfeeding, ideally a year. Some women enjoy it and chose to breastfeed longer, until their child is 2-3 years old. At that age, breastfeeding is more of a comfort than a meal.

How long do baby Bengal tigers live in there mothers tummy?

First of all, babies stay in the mothers uterus (if they were in the stomach, they would be dissolved). The gestation period (time of pregnancy) of a tiger is 104-106 days.

If you did methamphetamine 1 time how long until you can breastfeed again?

About 1 week.