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Actually, spotting from ovulation is considered an excellent fertility sign. It happens right after ovulation and is nothing to be worried about. It should not last more than 2-3 days.

You really shouldn't "bleed" from ovulation. Maybe some spotting or a slight discolouration of your cervical mucus, but nothing that would be bleeding. This should last less than a day. If you are bleeding from ovulation, I would see a doctor to get it checked out... Hi, The majority of women do not experience bleeding during ovulation. But some women do though it isn't that common. Ovulation bleeding is usually light or spotty. It is never heavy. I would see your doctor to make sure you haven't got a vaginal infection that could be causing the bleeding.

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Q: How long should ovulation bleeding last?
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Bleeding will last for about 10 hours after removal. Gauzes should be places on the areas of removal to put pressure on the area that is bleeding. Wet tea bags can also be a good replacement as the acid, tannin, within it will stop the bleeding. The gauzes should be replaced every 20-30 minutes. You should remove the gauze both during when you are eating and when you are about to go to sleep. Bleeding can continue into the following morning.

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Not long, every person is different.

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Spotting varies with each dog but typically last three to five days. The heat can last up to three weeks.

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depends on your how long is your cycle add it on to the date of last period

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Postmenopausal bleeding should not happen. Even slight spotting is unusual. If this occurs, an appointment needs to be made with a doctor right away, as this is a sign of other health problems.

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You and your partner need to get a fertility test.

Can implantation bleeding last a week long?

From so many sources and different mums, implantation bleeding can last a week. But dont forget that you are quite a woman out of trillions out there. Hence, its possible that yours lasts a week while your friend's lasts two days. Dont be panic, its normal...