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Q: How long should you be together before you kiss?
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How long should a first kiss last?

The butterflies in your tummy should be your guide. This person could be "the one" so you want to do what ever feels right. If you do end up together, you'll be talking about that kiss for the rest of your lives together.

How long should you keep your hamsters together before they have babies?

3 months

Should you kiss at 12?

12 is a young age but it's not too young. Before kissing though make sure you have been together long enough and care about each other. You both should feel comfortable with kissing. If all this applies to you then go for it! Good luck!

How long should you be together before having children?

Parnets should be together for maybe two years before having children but if they are ready to have children then they should and when i say ready i mean a steady job good income and a house.

How long should you kiss your girlfriend?

5 hours

Would ash roy and will kiss for first time?

i think so they should will make good sexy kiss for like a long time i think that ash will kiss him and they will kiss back for a long time in the bed they both will be kiss tongue in mouth.

Should you kiss your boyfriend for the first time when your 11?

I did and it really ruined my life :( It started gossip every were and then he started making rumours that we did more than kiss but if you really feel strong about this young man and you have been together for a long time maybe but i wouldn't i ruined my first kiss and it SUCKS

How long is a kiss before its considered making ou?

after 3 seconds or longer=)

He has not proposed should you move on?

it really depends on how long you two have been together before making rash decisions.

What is the meaning of a kiss?

When two people's lips touch andmove together for a long or short (but usually long) period of time.

How do you kiss when?

put lips together.... done.....btw stay in position as long as u want

How long does a good meet -French Kiss- have to be?

about a minute, I should think