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That would depend on where you're coming from. If you

started at the sun, it would take about 160 minutes.

(That's 2hours 40minutes.)

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Q: How long would it take to get to Uranus if you travel at the speed of light?
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How do you think it would be possible to travel at the speed of light?

The only way to travel at the speed of light is to not have any mass.

How long does it take for the speed of light from the sun to reach Uranus?

Uranus distance from the Sun is 2.88 billion km. that's 2,876,679,082 km. Want that number in miles? Uranus distance from the Sun is 1.79 billion miles. This number is just an average, though. Uranus follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun. At its closest point, called perihelion so its about 2.49 hours going speed of light assuming warp 1 does that speed it would take a ship 2.49 hours from sun to uranus warp 2 you would divide by 2 Explanation: Light takes about 2.49 hours to travel from the Sun to Uranus when Uranus is closest to the Sun.

How long would it take to get from earth to Uranus traveling at the speed of light?

3 days

If you travel at the speed of light in a car and turn your headlights 'ON' What will Happen?

To travel at the speed of light you would have to BE light so i guess you would became an even brighter light The switch to turn on the lights will work but no light will come on as you are already at that speed

How long would it take to travel at the speed of light from Earth to Aldebaran?

It would take 65 years 11 months to travel to Aldebaran from Earth traversing at the speed of light.

IF a bulb travels at the speed of light and is turned on will it glow?

It could not travel at the speed of light. But hypothetically, it would glow.

What is the limitation of science and technology?

The limitation of science and technology is the ability to travel at the speed of light and in order to travel at the speed of light we would need to find a way to not interact with the higgs boson. Since we are interacting with the higgs boson we can not travel at the speed of light.

Why traveling at the speed of light would we disperse?

No such thing would happen. Matter cannot reach the speed of light, only massless things can (and they cannot travel at any other speed than the speed of light).

Is it possibie to travel at the speed of light?

Nothing with a rest mass can travel at exactly the speed of light, it would take an infinite amount of energy. Light can travel at that speed because it has zero rest mass. Earlier Answer below So far, we don't know if a human can travel at lightspeed. However, it's easier to travel at the speed of light than to travel through time. New Answer: The problem I always had with the term light speed is that speed is relative. We may be traveling close to the speed of light right now in relation to some other object in the universe.

How fast would you have to go to get to Uranus in nine and a half years?

Faster than the speed of light.

Could cats travel at the speed of light or would they destroy it?

The answer is neither.

Can you travel through time in space?

Theoretically, it is possible to travel through time: by travelling at a great speed. But the speed at which you would have to travel would be faster than the speed of light, and would therefore kill every known living being.