

How lysozyme used in formation of protoplast?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How lysozyme used in formation of protoplast?
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What are the functions of protoplast?

Protoplast consist of nuclus and cytoplast. So protoplast help in protein synthesis.

Is the green colour pigment in the leaves called protoplast?

No, it is not protoplast

How do protoplast differ from L form?

Protoplasts are formed from gram-positive cells in the presence of lysozyme, which destroys the cell wall. L forms are gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria that do not make a cell wall. Therefore, L forms never had or made a cell wall as opposed to protoplasts which used to have a cell wall, but no longer do because it was destroyed. Penicillin can be used to destroy the cell wall of a bacterial gram-positive cell and form a protoplast, but in the presence of Penicillin, if a new bacterial cell is forming and cannot create a cell wall, then it will become an L form.

What is Protoplast Fusion in Becterial cell?

it is a technique by which protoplast cells are fused to get new hybrid.

What is protoplast fusion?

Protoplasts are used as starting materials to transfer foreign genes into plants. Protoplast is usually isolated from a cell and inserted into the selected one in a process called protoplast fusion.

What is symplastic water movement?

movement of water from protoplast to protoplast via plasmodesmata, but avoiding the vacuole.

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What are the advantages of protoplast culture?

used for somatic hybridization. Also useful in direct DNA transfer.

What is protoplast and spheroplast?

a protoplast is aliving substance of the cell. it has the same consistency with that of the egg and is a colloidal substance with a sol-gel manner.

How would you use the word protoplast in a sentence?

A protoplast has had its cell wall entirely removed, leaving it naked and vulnerable before a lusty audience.

What will happen if a bacterial cell is placed in distilled water with lysozyme?

lysozyme will diffuse in to the cell

What is a first organized particle?

A protoplast.